Here’s Why A Border Wall Isn’t Racist Or Immoral

Funding a border wall was a huge part of President Trump’s platform when he ran for office. Americans want border security and yet Democratic leaders are fighting tooth and nail against it even going as far as to call it immoral and racist. This has become a point of contention over the last several months as the President has been doing everything in his power to convince Democrats that having a porous border is a national security issue and a humanitarian crisis.

Debunking the Democrats’ claim that wanting a border wall is somehow racist isn’t hard. In fact, I will show you exactly how their logic is flawed. Americans want a border that is secured where human trafficking and drug smuggling are thwarted. Leaders such as the speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi claim to be acting in the interest of illegal migrants seeking to come to America for a new life. But what about the millions upon millions of immigrants who are already in America and only want to be shielded from the violence they fled in the first place?

When Democrat Socialist extremists like Alex Ocasio-Cortez called to defund ICE it was just mind-blowing to those of us who actually appreciate the service the men and woman of ICE provide. Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar even took it a step further and called to defund the Department of Homeland security altogether. Make no mistake, this is a coordinated attempt to weaken America from the inside and it is being led by women on the far left. What do Pelosi, Omar, and Ocasio-Cortez have in common? All of these women have enjoyed the benefits of having a Department of Homeland Security and the rights they have as Americans. But now they don’t want future women to enjoy that same security and those same rights that let them become politicians, to begin with. If you’re lobbying for open borders and defunding the Department of Homeland Security, you have become a detriment to this country.

If immigrants coming to America are fleeing from gang violence, serial rapists, and child sex traffickers, why would they want an open border where the very violence they escaped is able to follow them to their new life? It isn’t immoral to ask for border security and it certainly isn’t racist, it is only protecting the immigrants that are already here. Do Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer actually care about the safety of the immigrants that are fleeing to America? Or are they merely using them as a political pawn to fit their political agenda?

If walls are immoral Nancy you might want to tear the one down surrounding your multi-million dollar vineyard on the banks of the Napa River. The fact is, people once took pride in the land of opportunity that is America. Protecting the freedoms and rights that we enjoy in this country is something that millions of Americans have died for and millions more stand ready to defend.

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